Completed Projects
- Leonardo 2005-2007 / “WLT” (http://www.worklearntogether.org/): Setting up and sustaining virtual communities of practice of SMEs in the tourist sector
- E-Learning Programme 2005 – 2007 / “FeCone”: Identification of key factors for the development / adoption of eLearning contents and development of decision making tool
- Socrates Comenius 2005-2008 / “Careerguide” (http://www.career-guide.eu/): Tools and methodologies for more effective career guidance in schools
- Equal 2005-2007 / “Advocate” (http://content.tibs.at/advocate/): Motivational measures for the implementation of “New learning cultures” in enterprises and improved learning opportunities at the workplace for low skilled workers
- Socrates 2005-2007 / “PREMA” (http://promitheas.iacm.forth.gr/prema): Socio-cultural and pedagogical factors of girls’ achievement / performance in mathematics
- Socrates Minerva 2005 – 2007 “Learn&Work” (http://www.learnatwork.info/): use of ICT to enhance the induction and continuing support for learners in the workplace
- Socrates Minerva 2004 – 2006 / “Crimcity” (http://crimcity.futurestudies.org/): Design of 3D environments and applications for school education
- Leonardo 2004-2006 / “MiAPP” (http://www.miapp.net/): Development of a model for efficient and cost-effective MI theory application in e-learning.
- Leonardo 2004 – 2006 / “IseTT” (http://www.etutorportal.net/): The aim of the project is to define the core curriculum and quality standards for European etutor training in relation to different national contexts.
- Leonardo 2004 – 2006 / “Harmonise” (http://www.cepis-harmonise.org/): Harmonisation of European certification in the IT sector.
- Socrates Comenius 2004-2007 / “NEMED” (http://www.nemed-network.org/): Network of Multigrade Education
- E-Learning Programme 2005 – 2007 “Collage” (http://collage.fh-joanneum.at/): Mobile learning applications in high school curricula
- Leonardo 2002-2006/ “ICT networks”: Research on elearning in SMEs, case studies, policy recommendations (http://www.smelearning.org/)
- Leonardo 2002-2005 / “Eval 3”: Development of an evaluation taxonomy on eLearning in vocational training (http://evaluate-europe.net/).
- Equal 2002-2005 / “Bildungswegweiser”: Research and studies on vocational training needs, competence development, ICT-integration and lifelong learning in relation to regional development (http://www.tu-was.com/tuwas/) .
- Joint Actions Socrates, Leonardo & Youth 2002-2004 / “Alphatrain”: design and development of an innovative multi-disciplinary learning and motivation method for language training of immigrants (http://www3.ellinogermaniki.gr/ep/alphatrain/) (initially: coordinator, now sub-contract)
- Minerva 2002 - 2004 / “Motfal”: Mobile technologies for ad-hoc learning (sub-contract)
- E-Learning Action Plan 2002 - 2004 / “Ephdoxus”: Framework for Internet-based use of a telescope technologies for school education (http://www3.ellinogermaniki.gr/ep/eudoxos/)
- E-Learning Action Plan 2002 - 2004 / “Delphi”: Evaluation of EU-research projects (MINERVA, IST, IHP) on innovational potentials, implementation of a laboratory and observatory (http://www.ub.es/euelearning/delphi/)
- Minerva /2002 - 2004 “Ikarus”: Collaborative teaching and learning in Virtual Learning Environments
- Minerva 2002 - 2004 / “Seeks”: Information seeking behavior on the Internet
- Minerva 2002-2004 / “Metabook”: Investigation on the application of eBook devices in school education
- Leonardo 2001 - 2003/ “E-Coach”: Development of material and training for online education (http://www.european-e-tutor.net/frameset/index.htm)
- Safer Internet Action Plan / "SIFKAL": Safer Internet for Knowing and Living (www.sifkal.org)
- TSER / “MERLIN”: Evaluation of projects on ICT in education funded by the EU in terms of their contribution to lifelong learning, new pedagogical methods and inter-cultural collaboration.
- TSER / “Ivette-W”: International conference in Barcelona on institutional, pedagogical and cultural issues in virtual learning environments, October 2000.
- TSER / “Ivette” (Implementation of virtual environments in training and education); Project objectives: Analysing approaches for teaching and learning in virtual learning environments.
- Leonardo 1997 - 1999 / “Recomfort” (`Evaluation des besoins en compétences dans des bassins de reconversion”) : Assessment of needs for adjustments in education and on the labour market in case of regional restructuring.
- Robert-Schuman: Internet-based information and communication system for European Community Law; Implementation of on-line conference forums, on-line learning modules.
- Grotius: Research and documentation project: Comparing the usage of modern technologies in civil and other proceedings in Europe.
- FP 4 1995 – 1998 / “Café Mondial”: Project objectives: Development and distribution of multimedia distance learning offers in Europe via telematic networks
- Interreg I 1992 – 1995): Development of an information system for distance learning in the Saar-Lor-Lux region
- Multimedia Teleschool (MTS) and Telescopia: Indirect participation in the DELTA-Programme as a partner of Berlitz European Projects